Silent install of XP/VS Server
A silent install is the installation of XP/VS Server that requires no user interaction.
By default, some of our drivers require a confirmation before the installation continues.
However, in case you do not need TSX USB - which is only available if you are using a Professional license, you can disable this feature very easily.
In order to perform a silent install of XP/VS Server Lite or Standard just follow these tasks:
Download the latest .msi package from here:
- 32-bit:
- 64-bit:
After that run the .msi installer silently on your remote server with msiexec as following:
msiexec /i c:\Temp\ThinstuffXPVSServer-latest-x64.msi DISABLETSXUSB=1 /quiet /passive
- Add /quiet to disable any user interaction and the restart XP/VS Server immediately after installation.
- Add /passive if you want the progress bar to be displayed.
Use the command msiexec ? to get a full list of all available parameters.